Welcome to our Website

59 Simla Ave  Geebung  Qld  4034
Minister of the Word   Rev Bob Warrick B. Th, Dip.T., Q.D.A.H.
'ph 3357 9451

Church Council Secretary: Margo.  Enquiries
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Men's Society


Young Adult Group

Worship Times

  • Sunday Service 10.00am.
  • Children in Worship.  Sundays at 8.45am.  (Sunday School for children of all ages with bible stories, dramas and activities).   
  • Young Adult Group. Sundays at 5pm. Devotions, Activities, Plenty of fun for ages 12+.   
  • Evening Service  3rd Sunday of the month 6.30pm.
  • Holy Communion celebrated 3rd Sunday of the month at both morning and evening services. 

Church Activities

  • Alpha Courses.  A practical introduction to the Christian Faith.
  • Crossroads.  Friendship and activities for people with special needs.
  • Friends. This group meets once a month (February to November) on the 4th Wednesday at 10.00am.  The principal aim is to get to know others in a Christian social atmosphere.  We commence each meeting with morning tea and a time of fellowship followed by a speaker of interest.  A warm welcome is extended to all.
  • Indoor  Bowls and Table Tennis. Held in Geebung hall, 2nd & 4th Mondays. 7.30pm. Cost 50¢
  • Ladies Evening Fellowship.  First Wednesday every month.  Fellowship & varied programmes
  • Men's Society.
  • Pastoral Care.
  • Trade Winds Tea & Coffee.  We sell this Tea & Coffee to help make a difference to the lives of the people in villages who want to take responsibility for improving their education and health.
  • Click here   If you like to receive our Weekly 'In Touch' notices by email.

Links to other sites

Men's Society
Young Adult Group