Worship Times
Sunday Service 10.00am.
Children in Worship. Sundays at 8.45am. (Sunday School for children
of all ages with bible stories, dramas and activities).
Young Adult Group. Sundays at 5pm. Devotions, Activities, Plenty of fun for ages
Evening Service 3rd Sunday of the month 6.30pm.
Holy Communion celebrated 3rd Sunday of the month at both morning and
evening services.
Church Activities
Alpha Courses. A practical introduction to the
Christian Faith.
Crossroads. Friendship and activities for
people with special needs.
Friends. This group meets once a month (February to November) on the 4th
Wednesday at 10.00am. The principal aim is to get to know others in a Christian
social atmosphere. We commence each meeting with morning tea and a time of
fellowship followed by a speaker of interest. A warm welcome is extended to all.
Indoor Bowls and Table Tennis. Held in Geebung hall, 2nd & 4th Mondays.
7.30pm. Cost 50¢
Ladies Evening Fellowship. First Wednesday every month. Fellowship
& varied programmes
Men's Society.
Pastoral Care.
Trade Winds Tea & Coffee. We
sell this Tea & Coffee to help make a difference to the lives of the people in
villages who want to take responsibility for improving their education and health.
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